Institutional transparency web portals: Are they enough to deepen democracy?
  • In recent years, thanks to the development of communication and information technologies, public institutions have made a large amount of data available to their portals in the name of transparency. But is that enough to drive another governance model? This year’s Euskarabildua will reflect on the technologies needed for the Open Governments.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko urriaren 18a
Gobernu Irekiaren doktrina software librearen filosofian oinarriturik dago. Iametzak haren digrama euskaratu du.

Since Barack Obama introduced the Transparency and Open Government Memorandum in 2009 and since the creation of new popular movements in the plazas in 2011, public institutions disseminate information on their portals through innovative tools.

On the contrary, the doctrine that departs from the philosophy of free software or other elements for an “open government” are also essential, according to the diagram of Armel Lecoz and Ciry Lage: participation and collaboration. And even though we have more information than ever, it seems that, more than ever, there is less linkage with public institutions.

At the Euskarabildua Conference, which will be held on October 25 at the San Telmo Museum of Donostia, they will reflect on the technologies necessary to achieve this open government. Among others, the philosopher Xabier Barandiaran, Raúl Oliván of the Government of Aragon, an open government laboratory created in this country, and Eñaut Gracia of the Municipality of Errenteria, will speak.

On 25 October, the Euskarabildua Day will be held at the San Telmo Museum of Donostia, organized by Iametza and the Ametzagaiña group (Adur, Argia and Antza).

The conference, organized by Iametza Interactive and Ametzagaiña Taldea, will have special relevance the opinions on the responsibility and responsibility of citizens for open data. Javier Bikandi, responsible for the portal of the Basque Government, will be in charge of talking about this issue, as will Miren Gutierrez of the University of Deusto and Ibai Zabaleta of HirikiLabs, each from its scope.

Of course, the presence of Euskera in these portals of transparency and citizen participation will also be analyzed. Eli Pombo and Marko Txopitea will talk about the relationship of our language with these types of free technologies. In conclusion, Ion Turrilas, from the Biantik cooperative, will talk about the privacy law that exists in the mouthpiece.

The deadline for registration is still open and you only have to access the website