Nine accused of the Galician Cause are seized of the crime of belonging to an armed group
  • The Civil Guard carried out a police operation in 2015, considering that the Galiza Cause was a "political arm" of an armed organization. The Spanish National Court has lowered the accusation and accused the independence militants of the uprising of terrorism. Because Galicia has stated that the new resolution highlights the political basis of the operation and that it will continue to work for its independence project and its interests.
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The Case Galicia itself has reported that it has withdrawn the indictment against the nine independence militants to which the National Court charged a crime of belonging to armed bands, in October 2015 and in the framework of Operation JARO, the Civil Guard carried out a police operation throughout Galicia. Judge Eloy Velasco imposed a terrorist offence on detainees and cautiously prohibited the action of the Galicia case in Catalonia. The justice imputed to the cause Galicia "the political arm" of an armed organization and accused the nine independentists of carrying out propaganda and communication tasks for this organization.

Little by little, however, the National Hearing has withdrawn from the accusations against it. In December 2016, the Emergency Court decided to re-authorize the activity of the Case Galicia. Earlier this month, he changed the accusation against nine independentists: He has neglected the crime of belonging to armed gangs and has moved on to accusing them of the flurry of terrorism. This is the crime charged to the members of the Ceivar organization who were arrested in Operation Jaro II, in which they were arrested. The case against the twelve defendants has now been joined in one summary.

Causa Galicia has announced that in the coming days the National Court will give a new resolution on this summary that is being investigated. This resolution may lead to the “final filing of the case” or to the processing of “all or part of the detained independentists”.

Continue to work for independence

In the opinion of the independence organization, the judicial resolution supports what she has defended for years: “The Galiza Cause was not an “armed arm” and its militants were not engaged in illegal activities.” He has denounced that with the operation JARO the Civil Guard wanted to "undo a political project" for "having been in the antipodes of the colonial project for Galicia".

“A pro-independence political project, with a mass vocation, capable of influencing daily life. That it has the capacity to organize sectors that defend independence and oppose the autonomous regime,” they said.