A construction worker dies in Oiartzun from a non-traumatic occupational accident
  • The accident happened on Monday and the LAB Union reported the death. In total, a total of 36 people died this year in the Basque Country, eight of them in the last week.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko ekainaren 09a
Argazkia: ELA

On Monday, a worker lost his life in Oiartzun as a result of a non-traumatic occupational accident during his working day. This has been reported by the LAB trade union, a social media worker bidez.Eraikuntza. To denounce this fact, a rally will be held on Thursday in Oiartzun Square at 18:30 a.m.

Worker No. 36 of Oiartzun, who died in Euskal Herria from an occupational accident since the beginning of the year, has lost his life in Oiartzun. Eight occupational deaths were recorded within one week: on 1 June a farmer died in Duzunaritza Sarasketa (Baja Navarra) after the tractor overturned and another worker died in Ustaritz (Lapurdi) on 4 June; on 3 June two other people lost their lives following the collapse of the tractor in Puente La Reina (Navarra) and a third farm in Navarre.