The signatories warn that the feminist movement comes from the “tradition of self-management”, which is often based on self-financing, but there are also many agents who have sought public resources. They have argued that feminism is essential for social transformation and that it is the responsibility of the institutions, “through the Equality Departments, to recognize the actions of feminist agents, to provide them with resources and to protect them economically if the agents want it”.
Assembly of Women of Álava, B.A.L.A., Emagin, Emakumeok Borroka (Against War), Euskal Herriko Emakumeen Mundu Martxa, Euskal Herriko Bilgune Feminist, Euskal Herriko Neskak Sarea, Forum Feminist Maria de Maeztu, Plazandreok, Workers, No Mestichan
Institutional dwelling cleaning
Feminist agents have denounced that "in recent years" the words of institutions and parties in favor of equality have not been translated "in most cases" into concrete public policies. Despite acknowledging the great work done in some organizations, they consider that they have been “the fruit of the individual will”: “Neither budgets nor public policies have focused on feminism”.
The precariousness of feminism
The signatories stressed that feminist agents had already experienced great precariousness before COVID-19 and that the disease has deepened it: “Trainers, lecturers, writers, creators, researchers, carabiners, liberates, coordinators, translators, journalists, etc. We are a broad sector and in recent months we have been in an absolutely uncertain situation, with no resources or guarantees to move forward.”
"The calls for subsidies for 2020 have not come out and we have known that they come with cuts," feminist agents explained. They have warned that the first areas to suffer cutbacks in times of crisis are social and equality policies, that they are "vigilant" and that they will not tolerate that "irresponsibility". In this regard, they have demanded that Emakunde, INAI and the deputies and municipalities of Hego Euskal Herria "break the cuts and make the resources available" for feminist agents to continue to carry out their work effectively.