Tubacex workers return to court on the understanding that the company has not respected the right to vacation
  • The trials will be held on 20 and 27 September. The multinational, for its part, has refused to respect workers' holiday days.
Aiaraldea @aiaraldea Aimar Gutierrez Bidarte 2021eko irailaren 02a
Tubacexeko langileak EAEko Justizia Auzitegi Nagusiaren aurrean (Argazkia:

The workers in Tubacex have re-appealed to the courts, which have been released. In fact, the company has not respected the holiday period of its workers during the indefinite strike. Edu Ibernia, chairman of the works council, explained this to the Aiaraldea environment: "Since the beginning of the year, workers' holiday days, which are paid holiday days, have been defined. Tubacex is obliged to dismiss workers on social security strike and pay the wages of those days."

The multinational, for its part, has refused to respect workers' holiday days. Once the indefinite strike has been concluded, the works council has indicated that it will be possible to enjoy it.

Trials in September

Complaints of non-respect of vacation days have trial dates: 20 and 27 September. As was the case in the case against the Employment Regulation Act, there will be two different legal proceedings, corresponding to the factories of Aceralava and TTI.