The judge declares the three detainees innocent during the G7 summit
  • This Tuesday, the trial has been held against eight people in detention and three of them have been declared innocent. The three young Germans who have remained in prison since August have also been brought to justice, although they will continue to be detained until they have heard the sentence that has taken them to prison.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko urriaren 03a
G7aren kontra-gailurrean atxilotutakoak askatzeko exijituz egindako elkarretaratzeetako bat (Argazkia: Topatu)

Last Tuesday, 1 October, eight persons were brought to justice, who were arrested during the G7 summit in Vitoria. According to Ipar Euskal Herriko Hitza, three of them were declared innocent on the same day; three others will be aware of the ruling on 3 December; one was sentenced to one month in prison for reversal and the eighth to a lighter penalty.

The Legal Team lawyers defended six detainees who had proven the existence of offences at the time of their arrest. The judge and the prosecutor recognized the violations committed by the police. As stated in the Word of Ipar Euskal Herria, the infringements would be as follows: “do not sign the arrest document”, “do not invoke the right to see a lawyer”, “do not guarantee the confidentiality of conversations between lawyer and client” and “irregular body records”.

Three young Germans in prison since August

On 27 September, a month after the arrests, Kurt, Theo and Emile were brought to justice. The three young Germans were arrested at the gates of the G7 summit on 21 August, after their car was placed under police control in Biarritz.

Last Friday the trial was held at the Pau Court. The judgment, however, will not be known until 17 October, when the trial is held. Until then, the three young people have been arrested, as reported by the Basque Department of Security. They are charged with a conspiracy offence, alleging that their intention was to commit violent acts and to commit milder crimes. The young people argue that they were on their way to Lekeitio, to spend their holidays.