Saretuz Beterri:
"We've analyzed role distribution in companies."
  • Organized by the Beterri Saretuz initiative, several cooperatives and entities in the region of Beterri-Buruntza have met to discuss the organizational models of companies. The study has analyzed what the leaders are inside the companies and how they work.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko maiatzaren 03a
\"Esperientzia trukeak\" antolatu dituzte Beterriko ekonomia eraldatzaileko eragileek (argazkia: Beterri Saretuz)

Beterri-Buruntza's regional Transforming Economy network has organized Exchanges of Experiences to share knowledge among companies, "listening to us and learning from each other". The first of the sessions took place last Wednesday at the Martin Ugalde Andoain Cultural Park, on the theme of organizational models.

“We’ve talked about how we organize the county’s institutions, what kind of leadership we have, how we distribute the roles… ultimately how we work,” explained Uxune Alustiza, of Beterri Saretuz. He has been pleased and has it as a first step: “We’ve come out to taste, we’ve met each other and now we know what each one is doing. From now on we will have the opportunity to delve into what this program has not given, uniting with each other.”

Upcoming sessions: membership processes, inclusion...

Beterri Saretuz started working in February in Usurbil and its members decided on which areas it would deepen and form in the coming weeks. Thus, until June 1, several "exchanges of experiences" will take place around these issues, and that of Andoain has been the first to do so.

On May 4, in turn, the processes of co-participation in the Iturola collaboration space of Hernani will be carried out: “What processes and membership criteria do we have among the models of our companies? What are our difficulties? How do the other companies in the region do this?” are some of the questions they will try to answer, energized by the members of the cooperative Emun.El registration period is still open.

In addition, the cycle will be closed on 11 May and 1 June with the women’s forum in the Beterri Saretuz region.