Representatives of the trade unions ELA, LAB and ESK of Mercedes have made statements in a concentration before the courts of Vitoria. The trial on the temporary employment regulation dossier proposed by the Directorate was held in court on Tuesday. Trade unions say that the investment option is “positive”, but that putting “flexibility” as a condition of working conditions is “a blackmail for workers to make their conditions worse”. The trade unions and the company have been trying for eighteen months to reach a new labour agreement, they have held 34 meetings, but there is no agreement today. Discrepancies relate to wages and working hours. The workers have repeatedly denounced the policy of the management of the Mercedes plant in Vitoria and of the director Emilio Titos against the workers, the unions and decent working conditions.
The workers have also spoken against the institutions about betting on the company as soon as last week the company announced its possible investment, without showing any concern about working conditions: “It is serious to position itself in favor of the company without knowing its intentions, but it is even more serious to do so knowing the conditions that have been offered to the staff”. The unions ESK, LAB and ELA have called the workers' assembly for Wednesday at noon to discuss the possibility of mobilizations. CCOO calls for a two-hour strike.
Response to workers
From the government, spokeswoman Bingen Zupiria has pointed out that Mercedes’ investment is “very important” and hopes to achieve it through “dialogue and agreement”: “Ensuring current activity and the future is essential to ensure the well-being of all”. Since the Diputación de Álava, the Deputy General, Ramiro González, has shown his “concern” about the union’s attitude: “Conflict is the worst message that can be sent.”
Representatives of ELA, LAB and ESK made statements on Tuesday morning and Tuesday afternoon have signed a “protocol of collaboration” in the technological park of Miñano (Vitoria-Gasteiz) between the Basque Government, the Council of Álava and Mercedes-Benz. The Deputy General of Álava, Ramiro González, the Counselor for Economic Development, Sustainability and the Environment, Arantxa Tapia, the Lehendakari of the Basque Government, Iñigo Urkullu, and the Director of the Mercedes plant in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Emilio Titos attend.
The Lehendakari Urkullu declared in the act that the Protocol is an "excellent example of public-private collaboration" and announced that the Government will make available to the company the centers of the 4GUNE Cluster of University Education in Science and Technology, the TEC Center for Applied Research in Vocational Training and HETEL, the Association of Centres of Professional Training. Titus pointed out that Mercedes wants to invest in Vitoria, but for this he needs “certainties”.