The Mayor of Abaltzisketa and cattle rancher Jon Zubizarreta has denounced in a video broadcast this Thursday through social media that a cow has been killed in the grasses of Aralar. Zubizarreta has reported that the facts were known on May 8 and that livestock climbed to the Aralar pastures four days earlier. He has anticipated that if anyone had seen some strange movement on the street, I would be grateful if he would contact him. Zubizarreta has filed a complaint with the Ertzaintza for an alleged crime of murder.
Note by the President of the Commonwealth
The President of Enirio-Aralar and Mayor of Ordizia, Adur EZENARRO, published a press release on Thursday explaining the event. The Lehendakari said that he heard this complaint today and that this very morning he called him to know firsthand what happened and to denounce "the cruelty of this kind of behaviour".
“The Commonwealth of Enirio-Aralar consists of 15 municipalities and its decisions are taken by the Board of Directors, but as chairman, I declare that it is unacceptable that animals circulating on the grounds of Enirio-Aralar be attacked and killed. I also call for clarification of what has happened as soon as possible and for appropriate action to be taken in this regard,” he said.