Sunday they were charged with good energy in Zizurkil
  • Organized by Gipuzkoako Mendia Aske, on 22 October, the residents of Zizurkil lived a special day. Aitor Bizkarra, Andoni Egaña, Maialen Lujanbio and Oihana Iguaran completed the bertsos session, putting the issues with great affection in the thread of Saroi Jauregi. In this bertsos program called "Energiak ezbaian", critical humor prevails. The afternoon was amenities for a meal with organic ingredients and songs and interviews. On this day the movement celebrated its anniversary and the Zizurkil Wall received the message "There is no wind in the mountains".
Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2023ko urriaren 23a
Argazkia: Aiurri hedabidea.

A year ago in Elosu a 200 meter windmill was represented, asking that it not be installed in the "industrial macro-power" mountains to produce renewable energy. On 22 October, the Gipuzkoako Mendia Askatasuna group spent the day of Zizurkil in order to gain value for a year ' s career and to gain strength for the future.

Bertsos session to promote dialogue between citizens

Without falling into the "war of the sides", the bertsos program sought to take energy interviews to the plaza and invite the citizens to do so. In response to the invitation, the audience from various localities welcomed the lower banks of the Zizurkil Goiko church and the high choir. For the first time a bertsos session was held.

Saroi Jauregi (second left to left in the photo) and Aitor Bizkarra, Andoni Egaña, Maialen Lujanbio and Oihana Iguaran finally completed an excellent bertsos program. Photo: Canal Aiurri.

Saroi Jauregi addressed themes from the outset, valuing the range of attitudes and approaches. The bertsolaris sang the subject of energy from different angles. The self-criticism of everyday life was made through bertsos, a fine criticism of power and "green whiteness", and the listener appreciated that in all situations humor had been taken out. They began and ended in a round session, keeping intensity high throughout the session.

For the first time a bertsos session was held in the church of Zizurkil Goiko. Photo: Canal Aiurri.

Various actions of the programme can be heard in the Aiurri media:

- Zizurkildarras Egaña and Iguaran, after hearing the intervention of the representative of the multinational that has come to present the Ezkelu wind plant

- Artificial intelligence user Egaña and his driver Lujanbio

- Four neighbours of the same attic who seek energy sovereignty and who have made turns to drive the bicycle

- Back and Iguaran on paper by Don Quixote and Sancho Panza

- Lujanbio singing the other three, with friendship of toxic energy and good

- Back and Lujanbio

- End of session, point drawings

Bertsolarism can be seen in the media:

- Egaña y Bizkarra, the debate of windmills "in the village of the two sides"

- Iguaran and Lujanbio with multiple "green" conotations

Popular food with organic food in the zimiterio of Zizurkil. Photo: Canal Aiurri.
Popular food and restaurant

One hundred people stayed to eat after the bertsos session where they enjoyed a meal with organic raw materials. The organisation specified in the posters the origin of each food and the producer in particular.

On the table, Patxi Otegi, a member of the Ezkeltzu Bizirik group, sang popular songs in the hand, singing guitar and kissing guitar.

To deal with concrete projects of the wind power plant, the members of the groups that have formed in the villages used the table to talk, to talk about what each one is doing, about reading the situation ... to deal with fatigue and the cold environment, they gathered energy from mutual heat.