On Saturday in Iruñea they are demonstrating against the macro-projects of energy production
  • The Energy Transformation Platform of Navarra wants to press the Government of Navarra to establish a new energy model and the quote is at 18:00 in Plaza del Castillo. They report that they are taking advantage of the energy and climate crisis to “do business”.
Leire Artola Arin 2022ko maiatzaren 27a
Nafarroako Energia Eraldatzen plataforman biltzen dira makroproiektuek kaltetutako talde ugari.

On May 28, all the agents gathered in the Energy Transformation Platform of Navarra called for a protest to denounce that the immense infrastructures of renewable energy production cause damage to peoples and nature, in order to change the model, not under the slogan of climate. The demonstration on Saturday will take the opportunity to put pressure on the Government of Navarra to change to another energy model.

From 18:00 a claim will be made against the large wind and photovoltaic plants from the Plaza del Castillo de Pamplona. They will ask the institutions to interrupt more than 100 megaprojects in progress. According to the members of the Energy Transformation Platform in Navarre, these major infrastructures enable companies to achieve a single objective: “They take advantage of the energy and climate crisis to make new businesses occupying villages and natural goods,” explains Iosu Alfaro to Euskalerria Irratia.

They will require the Government of Navarra to change direction in energy policies “towards a more natural and green energy for people and businesses”.