Documents of the Renewable Energy PTS, published on the website of the Basque Government
  • In 2019, the Basque Government received the order to draw up the Sectoral Territorial Plan for Renewable Energies at the request of the Basque Parliament. This process is still in progress, and although everything indicates that it will last a long time, there are public documents on the Basque Government’s own website in order to make allegations. Documents and plans specify, among other things, where PV and wind power plants can be built.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko abenduaren 22a
Araba, Bizkaia eta Gipuzkoan energia eolikoen instalazioak ezartzeko esklusiioguneen mapa, Eusko Jaurlaritzako Lurralde Plan Sektorialaren arabera.

Although three years have elapsed since the Basque Government received the request to initiate the process of the CAPV Sectoral Territorial Plan for Renewable Energies (PTS), this year it has begun its work by hiring a technical assistance company. Documents such as the reports on citizen participation or the progress document are now available on the network.

The latter details the possible locations of "large-scale" PV and wind power plants, exclusion points and "optimal clean points" for their implementation, both priority and secondary.

For example, the plans indicate that most photovoltaic plants can run through the Llanada Alavesa and Rioja Alavesa. Wind plants, on the other hand, are scattered throughout the territory in numerous saws. In Gipuzkoa alone, 35 wind mill alignments can be counted, as explained to ARGIA from the anti-wind movement, always bearing in mind that this is an interim document and that possible locations appear in the plans.

Possible wind areas on the border between Gipuzkoa and Navarra according to the CAPV Sectoral Territorial Plan.


Places where PV plants would go in Rioja Alavesa.

Through the 2019 Sustainability Act, the Basque Parliament urged the Basque Government that year to develop a PTS for Renewable Energies. The company undertook to carry it out for two years, but in 2022 it has awarded this process to a company for two years, so it will not end until at least 2024. EH Bildu denounced that "it is clear that it will not be passed throughout the legislature, and it may be delayed until 2025."

The existence of such a sectoral plan is considered by many actors and factors, due to the strong deregulation in the renewable sector and the huge multiplication of wind power plant construction projects over the years.