The Basque Country is pursuing the implementation of renewable energies
  • Euskal Herria is facing an important energy transition. Fossil fuel consumption in Hego Euskal Herria is at the highest level and consumption in 2018 is similar to that in 2007: the highest diesel consumption in history was recorded, and if the Gaindegia forecasts are met, it will only decrease slightly in 2019.
Gaindegia @gaindegia 2019ko irailaren 30
Infografia: Eurostat eta Gaindegia.

Consumption of petrol, on the other hand, will continue to increase. Thus, by the end of 2019 it will remain at the historical peaks of fossil fuel consumption in Hego Euskal Herria, on this occasion, the prevalence of diesel will be higher than in 2007.

Fossil fuel consumption is the largest in recent years and is surpassing historical consumption prior to the crisis. So what transtsice are we doing? In Euskal Herria, we are lagging far behind.