Eneko Lazkoz and Joanes Illarregi continue in the Bertsolaris Championship of Navarra
  • Bertsolari Eneko Lazkoz Etxarri Aranatz has won the semi-final of Tafalla by bertsolari Eneko Lazkoz, so he has won the pass for the second semi-final to be held on 6 November in Berriozar. About 150 people met on October 9 at the Tafalla House of Culture to follow the session closely. On the other hand, the bertsolari of Leitza, Joanes Illarregi, has been classified for the semi-finals of the Bertsolaris Championship in Leitza. Almost 200 people met on 10 October at the Carmen de Sangüesa Auditorium to follow the act. @bertsozale 2021eko urriaren 11
Eneko Lazkoz bertsotan. Argazkia:

Tafalla hosted the second quarter of the final of the Bertsolaris Championship of Navarra in 2021. About 150 people have come together to watch the program live. On the stage, six bertsolaris to the orders of Alaitz Rekondo, author of the topics: Eneko Lazkoz Martinez, Saioa Alkaiza Guallar, Alazne Untxalo Erregerena, Ekhiñe Zapiain Arlegi, Erika Lagoma Pombar and Urko Gartzia Aleman. The Nafarroako Bertsozale Elkartea association has been assisted by the Tafalla City Council for the organisation of the session.

Of these six bertsolaris, the one with the most points was Eneko Lazkoz Martínez (357.5), who awarded the performance and took the step for the semi-finals, namely that of Etxarri Aranatz, to be held on 6 November in Berriozar. Following him, Saioa Alkaiza Guallar (356), Erika Lagoma Pombar (350.5), Alazne Untxalo Erregerena (320), Ekhiñe Zapiain Arlegi (316) and Urko Gartzia Aleman (272) have been classified. All of them will have to wait until the end of the quarter-finals to know whether they go to the next stage or not. Of the 24 bertsolaris that have acted in this edition, 18 will do so from now on.

The session score was as follows:

1. Eneko Lazkoz Martínez. 357.5

2nd Saioa Alkaiza Guallar. 356

3. Erika Lagoma Pombar. 350.5

4. Alazne Untxalo, king. 320

5. Ekhiñe Zapiain Arlegi: 316

6. Urko Gartzia in German: 272


Joanes Illarregi wins Sangüesa's quarter-finals

Joanes Illarregi singing bertsos. Photo:

In Sangüesa, the third quarter of the final of the Bertsolaris Championship of Navarra in 2021 has been disputed, with almost 200 people who have completed the Auditorio del Carmen. There have been Joanes Illarregi Marzol, Xabat Illarregi Marzol, Sarai Robles Vitas, Xabier Silveira Etxeberria, Mikel Lasarte Cia and Oier Lakuntza Irigoien. Zigor Gartzia participated in the "Zian" programme, organised by the Nafarroako Bertsozale Elkartea association in collaboration with the City Council of Sangüesa.

Among the Bertsolaris, Joanes Illarregi Marzol (349) has been the bertsolari that has added more points, allowing him to win the competition and certify his pass to the semifinals. In particular, the bertsolari of Leitza will participate in the third and final semi-finals to be held on 14 November in Leitza. It is followed by Xabat Illarregi Marzol (344.5), Sarai Robles Vitas (329.5), Xabier Silveira Etxeberria (328), Mikel Lasarte Cia (314) and Oier Lakuntza Irigoien (300.5). These will be made known after the quarter-finals of the championship are over; 18 of the 24 bertsolaris in the group stage will be qualified.

The session score was as follows:

1. Joanes Illarregi Marzol.........349
2. Xabat Illarregi Marzol..................344.5
3. Sarai Robles Vitas...............329.5
4. Xabier Silveira Etxeberria.........328
5. Mikel Lasarte Cia..................314
6. Oier Lakuntza Irigoien............300.5

Next Saturday, the fourth and final quarter of the King’s Cup will be played in Doneztebe. The show will feature Julio Soto Ezkurdia, Josu Sanjurjo Altzuri, Iker Gorosterrazu Elizagoien, Ekain Alegre Gil, Egoitz Gorosterrazu Elizagoien and Sahats aleman Sadaba. Tickets are available on the portal