Eneko Goia will declare 13 September for the "Bidegi case"
  • The Provincial Court of Gipuzkoa has quoted the mayor of Donostia-San Sebastián and a former infrastructure deputy of Gipuzkoa Eneko Goia at 9:30 a.m. in the Azpeitia Court. On the same day, those responsible for the construction of AP-1, Luis Mari Apraiz and Felix Urkola, as reported by Naiz in a statement. The Bidegi case has led the courts to investigate the tax fraud that has allegedly been charged with EUR 30 million.
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Last June, the Gipuzkoa Hearing agreed to lengthen the investigation of the Bidegi case and to order the following convictions. Therefore, as you can read in Naiz, the instruction could be extended until 2022.

The complaint was filed by EH Bildu after having met the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, considering that irregularities were committed with public money during the previous legislature.

The popular accusation also called for Markel Olano to be declared, but the court found that Hodei Egiluz’s statement was not necessary.