Abertzale Eneko Aldana will be the new mayor of Ziburu
  • With 44.7% of the votes, Eneko Aldana was imposed on the second round of the elections held in Ziburu. Ziburu Bizi has been placed on the open list on the left, headed by Aldana, Abertzale and on the left.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko ekainaren 28a

What was expected happened in Ziburu: with 44.7 per cent of the votes, the young Abertzale Eneko Aldana has been appointed mayor. The other three contestants have stayed far from the finish line, behind. With 17.2% share, Isabelle Dubarbier ranks second, with 13.6% votes, followed by Henri Hirigoienberri and Joseph Aranburu and Dominique Duguet.

The victory of Ziburu Bizi has brought great joy between the Abertzales and the leftists of the people: