Jakes Abeberry dies, founder of the Enbata movement
  • At the age of 92, the sorcerer has borne his last fruit, leaving a great deal in the political, economic and cultural life of Iparralde. Jean-René Etxegarai, president of Euskal Hiria Elkargoa, has spread the news on social networks.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2022ko azaroaren 30a
Argazkia: Radio France/Nogues

The Abertzale movement of the Northern Basque Country is young – 60 years old – and there are those at the base, taking us with the first people who serve us to feel the atmosphere of the time. "We celebrated the first private Aberri Eguna on Baz Monday, 1962. We made talks Ximun Haran, Jakes Abeberry and I. The purpose of a movement appeared in the debate and the year we spent preparing founder Aberri Eguna of 1963," he told ARGIA Jean-Louis Davant in May 2020. That bee has died on November 30, at the age of 92, in political life until age. Among other things, until recently we have been able to read his editorials in the political magazine Enbata.

The political wizard has been at the base of a series of political structures that would emerge from the 1963 Manifesto of the Sea, which was the first step taken by the movement in the plaza. He has been involved in the Abertzaleen Batasuna party and later in the EH Bai coalition. In recent months, it has demonstrated its involvement, beyond age, due to the need to face a disease.

Among the founders of the Enbata movement, he was also involved in the Abertzale Izan collective since the 1980s, with the objective, among others, of promoting economic development for Iparralde. Hence many instruments would come: Cooperative Sokoa for local economic development Association Hemen or capital instrument for investment outside the Herrikoa banking network.

Believing in the electoral arena, in the 1980s he decided to develop this path and was first presented in 1983 in the Socialist list Jean-Pierre Destrade. In 1991 he managed to rank mostly with other nationalists, but was not on the left with Didier Borother. Between 1977 and 1991, right-wing Bernard Marie, who had been in power, took part in these elections. For seventeen years it was the second big.

Both for his commitment to the strategy of alliances and his rejection of the election of the armed struggle in the liberation struggle, Abeberry received criticism in those decades of 1990 and 2000.

Two years ago, at the age of 90, Biarritz Nouvelle Vague was last presented in the candidature Verte et Solidaire - Olatu Berria, a list of left-wing nationalists and environmentalists, standing at the 35th place of the candidature.

Amateur politician

Since its inception, he has been responsible for the area of culture in the Biarritz town house. From there came the dance festival Le Temps d'Aimer in 1991, as well as a choreography center in 1998, the famous ballet Malandain. Until last year he has presided over the Biarritz Culture structure, which for a total of 30 years has focused on culture, hence also the festival Bi Harriz Lau Xori.

In December 2020, Maider Arosteguy criticised the changes he wanted to make to the cultural policy of Biarritz, highlighting the contributions made so far and rejecting the trend of the new candidate.

He was president of the Basque Dance Association and Oldarra Choir of Biarritz from 1955 to 1989.

Diversity in thanksgiving messages

Jean-Rene Etxegarai, president of the Basque College of Historic Helmets and candidate from Baiona, was the first to announce his death on social networks: "Jakes Abeberry has left us. He was present in all the struggles of this country which owes him much. Conviction, intelligence and talent at the service of a people. Man of culture, choreography was also his language. Our love for your family and your loved ones #Euskalherri #Pays Basque".

Messages of thanks and condolence are multiplied by: Malandain Balletea; EH Bai Coalition; PNV Party; Arkaitz Rodriguez de Sortu and Arnaldo Otegi; François Alfonsi, corso abertzale; Frederique Espagnac, French Socialist Senator; Mediabask, Editor-in-Chief, Goizeder Taberna; Vincent Braso Foundation.