"Some emotions are positive or negative, but all are necessary"
  • Look at Uharte, an educator at the Ultzamaldea Social Services Community, has talked about the importance of emotional well-being in active aging.
Olaia L. Garaialde 2024ko maiatzaren 17a
\"Ongizate emozionala nahiko baztertuta egon den gai bat izan da, elikadurak, ariketa fisikoak eta beste gai batzuek protagonismo gehiago hartu dutelako\".

The population of Ultzamalde (Navarra) is “very dispersed” and the ageing rate is “high”. Therefore, various agents in the region are working on active aging through feeding, sport, cognitive stimulation and emotional well-being. Look at Huarte, an educator of the Ultzamalde Social Services Community, will offer on 20 May at 10:30 a.m. on the fronton of Larraintzar a workshop on emotional well-being.

Why have you felt the need to work active aging?

In Ultzamaldea there is the Denok bat Retirement Association, it is strong and has been organizing dynamics for many years. However, it is a very large area and dispersed by small towns. In addition, there are many older people and fewer and fewer children. That is why we feel the need to pay attention in old age. On the other hand, in 2022 the Government of Navarra proposed a conference on active ageing. It identified the need to work social services, health centers and retirement associations.

What is emotional well-being?

Emotional well-being has been a subject that has been largely marginalized because diet, physical exercise and other issues have gained more prominence. However, lately there is more talk about emotional health or the influence of feeling good on health. Everyone has their own emotional well-being and everyone knows what makes them feel good. So, taking care of your thoughts so you don't get hurt, enjoy little pleasures of everyday life, work healthy relationships, listen to others, feel ear and much more emotional well-being.

What exercises do you perform in the course?

A lot can be done to talk about emotional well-being and develop strategies for self-care. At the moment the session will be very small, and from October we want to set up a group to work on the subject further. At the moment we will explain small strokes to put emotional well-being on the table. We have to start with emotions, that is, explaining that there are emotions, identifying them, seeing what they are for and putting them in value. On the other hand, it is important to understand what one feels and to see that some emotions are positive or negative, but all are necessary.

How do you work emotions with the elderly?

It is true that at this time emotions have not been worked and little work is being done today. So when we celebrated the days of 2022, I was scared of the people's response, but it was very positive. Everyone contributed their experiences. The important thing is that they too attach importance to the issue and are eager to learn and do more. So we have to see what you can do about yourself and how you can work it from day to day, and see what things are made valuable and what difficulties you have.

Penetration is important. How does coexistence affect small towns?

Our area is very dispersed due to the large number of small towns and areas. In this case, the association of retirees is strong and this positively influences the relationships. Inclusion must be made between all and take into account the Community perspective, from the town hall to the citizen. Always taking into account all existing services in the region. It is also true that isolation and loneliness may be greater in peoples and there may be transport problems. It may be easier to move as a young person to be with friends, but despite the autonomy of old age, some things are harder to do.

Are more and more things being done for old age?

The ageing rate is very high in the rural environment, we have to take care of it. The aim must be for people to live as long and as autonomous as possible, where they have lived naturally. As autonomy is lost, it is important to have facilities to stay in the area and at home. That is why more and more activities are being organised.