Emakunde and Eudel publish a guide to city councils on the repair of male violence
  • Emakunde Director Izaskun Landaida and Eudel President Gorka Uraran presented the technical guide to Machist violence in Vitoria-Gasteiz this Wednesday. This guide will allow municipalities to have a set of criteria to help women who have suffered machista violence on the road to reparation.
Ixone Arana @ixonearana1 2021eko otsailaren 04a
Argazkia: Euskadiko Udalen Elkartea

According to Berria, this is the result of a project that was launched five years ago and that seeks to generate employment. The guide, which will be published in Basque, Spanish and English, will be distributed in a thousand copies in the municipalities of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.Lo have carried out within Berdinsarea, the network of municipalities against violence against women, and has been coordinated by Eudel, with the collaboration of Emakunde.


One of the main objectives of the guide is to start working on social and symbolic reparation policies lica.Tambi and to seek more concrete measures to ensure that the conditions that have allowed the rights of victims who have survived are not repeated.


The guide highlights five main criteria for the reparation of male violence: the ways to recover the situation; the possibilities of granting different types of compensation; the instruments to ensure the attention to rehabilitation; the criteria to achieve the satisfaction of the victim; and the guarantees to prevent a recurrence of the event. The guide has also provided examples of the various activities that municipalities can organize: promoting the concentration of female victims, creating empowerment schools, establishing extraordinary financial aid to victims of male violence, among others.