Emakunde will invest 59% more in repealing Gizonduz’s “neomatxist current”
  • Due to the growing machista trend on the Internet, the programme will seek to raise awareness among young children and to train teachers and sports professionals.
Ainara Rodil Jaime 2024ko otsailaren 12a

The Minister for Equality, Justice and Social Policies, Nerea Melgosa, announced today, 12 February, that her department, through Emakunde, will this year increase the budget of the Gizonduz government programme by 59%. The reasons are the new normative context, "because the renewed Equality Law proposes actions directed at men", the new social context, "because there is a growing neo-religious trend worldwide that denies inequality and gender violence and is affecting young people", and "because it has been found that when inciting to sensitize, results are obtained".

Two men have also attended male training. Iñaki Elexalde, Director of Citizen Security at the City Council of Bilbao and Iñigo Esnaola, professor at the Medizabala Integrated Vocational Training Centre in Vitoria-Gasteiz, have explained the positive impact this training has had on their life and work.

"We are convinced that working with men helps us to facilitate the road to equality," said Melgoña. The Counsellor also stresses the increase in the number of men according to or very much in agreement with the importance of equality in the CAPV (from 77% in 2007 to 99% today).

Look at Elgarresta, director of Emakunde, explained that with this new orientation, Gizonduz "will underline the intention to increase the number of men committed to gender equality and male violence, especially affecting young people and leadership positions".

New activities

This year Gizonduz announced the continuation of its action lines, such as the training and awareness programme or the Youth for Equality project, aimed at promoting equality among young people and preventing violence. Work with young people will be strengthened. In addition, a guide will be drawn up which will set out the guidelines for incorporating the perspective of men and men into public policies and will train professionals for sports awareness.