The Ertzaintza breaks a woman's jaw in protests against fascism
  • The Ertzaintza has broken the jaw to a 19-year-old from Bilbao during protests against the Vox party’s act held on Saturday at the Euskalduna Palace. The man has been shot in the face with a projectile Foam, as the wounded man reported to the Gara newspaper.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko apirilaren 15

The woman remains in the Basurto Hospital, where she remains in hospital. He explained that he approached the Biscayan capital "peacefully" to participate in the protest. The Ertzaintza loaded after several demonstrators in the Iturrizar Park threw stones on the playing field. According to the wounded, no one had thrown anything at the site of the Ertzaintza agents. But when he started the charges, he ran and then saw an ertzaina pointing his gun to his face. The girl turned, but she felt a severe blow to her face and then began to bleed. Excited, he asked the agents of the Ertzaintza for help, but said he was treated "like old shit," he said. The relatives of the wounded have explained that the possibility of filing a complaint is being studied, as the agent opened fire less than 10 metres away.

During the protests against the act of Vox, the Ertzaintza arrested five people, who were wounded. All of them are at liberty. Four of them have been charged with public disorder and the fifth attack on the authority, which has been arrested.

In the Twitter account of Sare Antifaxista, in the third photo, the projectiles used by the Ertzaintza:

In the photo on the left is the photographer of the publication Hordago-El Salto, the moment the Ertzainas hurled over him.