Students start feeding the Txikipedia with biographies of women
  • The challenge is underway at fourteen ikastolas: between February and March they want to write 250 entries in the Txikipedia. The virtual encyclopedia will be nourished by biographies of women, especially biographies of women scientists, among others.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2021eko otsailaren 09a

With the aim of increasing the presence of the Basque Country on the Internet, both in Wikipedia and in Txikipedia, on the one hand, to solve the imbalance in the number of articles of men and women, on the other, students of the first and second years of Compulsory Secondary Education have addressed the challenge “I, you, we… 250 bai?” (young people from 12-14 years). For two months, Txikipedia will be fed biographies and digital skills will be worked out.

Txikipedia was born in 2018 and was the first language in the world to put Txikipedia into Wikipedia. The contents of Wikipedia can be too long and complex for children and young people between the ages of 8 and 13, so it was created with the intention of creating thousands of adapted articles.

In this report we explain the details of Txikipedia.