Women are real pioneers of Algerian basketball
  • The first images of a basketball game in Álava date back to the year 1,940.
Arabako Alea @ArabakoALEA Aritz Martinez de Luna 2019ko maiatzaren 13a
1940. urtekoan, Zapatagile kaleko jolastokian Gasteizko lehen saskibaloi partidaren irudiak. / Gasteizko Udal Artxiboa

In recent years, thanks to the good results obtained by Araski, female basketball has had a greater presence in the media and, therefore, also in the citizenry. Although many people think that the relationship between women and basketball is a fact that has occurred in recent years, the reality is quite different.

The women were the first to start playing basketball in Álava, and the first steps that were taken to facilitate the way to large teams like Baskonia, we owe them. These first vestiges of Vitoria can be found in 1940. An example of this is the first photo obtained in the patio of the Allies of Zapatería Street.

The team of Gasteiz, second champion of Spain in 1,941. / Project 75ers

In the following years, while men had no experience in this new sport, the number of girls practicing basketball increased in conditions that have nothing to do with today’s sport. As reflected in the images of the Spanish Championship, the teams played in places such as the bullring or the dress.

The representatives of Álava at the Spanish Championship of Primera, in 1943. / Sump

In addition, several players from our territory gave a very high level; the most prominent example was that of Josefina Añua. The representatives of Álava, who won no match in the championship, chose Josefina Añua to measure Portugal and Hungary in the championship matches. These items were suspended by the World War.

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