Among these entities is the portal Under the title “72 women, 72 researchers, 72 works of interest”, interviews have been conducted with women from different areas. Among them, biologist Ainara Valencia, mathematician Iera Arrieta, physicist Naiara Barrado, geologist Elisa Sainz de Murieta, chemical engineer Maite Goiriena, informatics Edurne Larraza and biochemistry Itxaro Pérez.
On the other hand, the Emakumeak Zientzia 2020 initiative, organised by nine Basque entities, is already underway. Workshops, talks, ginkana, round tables… have been organised with a clear objective: “To make the work of women who dedicate themselves to science visible, to break the conviction that scientific-technical activities are a matter for men and to encourage girls and adolescents to choose scientific studies”.