A transsexual woman denounces rape in Vitoria-Gasteiz
  • The aggression took place last Sunday in the Abetxuko district of the capital of Alavesa. A woman was sexually assaulted by a male who threatened a woman with a knife, who she also raped. The victim has filed a complaint for sexual assault in the family home. The rally was convened for this Wednesday at 20:00 in the Plaza de Bilbao in the capital of Alavesa.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko abuztuaren 04a
Argazkia: @halabedi

The aggression took place on Sunday night in the Abetxuko district of the capital of Alavesa. A transsexual woman has been raped by a man who had assaulted a woman on the street with a knife. The aggressor escaped. The woman filed a complaint with the Ertzaintza and was transferred to police units.

The Observatory against LGTBI+ phobia, in Vitoria-Gasteiz, has shown its full support for the victim. According to Euskadi Irratia Amets Martínez de Heredia, member of the association, “the situation is very bad, very worrying” for the collective. In fact, cases of transphobia have increased greatly in the last three months. Fifteen cases have been detected in the observatory since May: seven hate speeches, four physical attacks and four cases of marginalization, among others.

Ikusgune announced last Wednesday the existence of a second assault on a transsexual by a young woman with a police record. On July 22, a 64-year-old woman left a bar in the old part of Vitoria-Gasteiz, and a man called it "Dirty Marikoi." According to the Berria medium, the aggressor punched him three punches and threw him to the ground.

The association has made public a statement condemning sexual and sexual assaults. In it, they have pointed out that they are "faced with an LGTBI+phobic escalation" and have called to be attentive to possible aggressions due to identity or sexual orientation. “We must remember that behind hate speech and aggression there is a message that is addressed to an entire collective, that calls into question the whole of society.”

Concentration on Wednesday

The Vitoria-Gasteiz Feminist Movement and the E28 Coordinator have called a rally for August 4 in Vitoria-Gasteiz. At 20:00 hours they will meet in the Plaza de Bilbao to denounce what happened under the motto “you will have us in front”.