Concentration in Kanbo to protect a raped woman
  • A woman from Cambo suffered a collective rape on the night of 1 to 2 June. On Tuesday, at 7 p.m., a concentration of support for women has been organized in front of the village house of Cambo. In addition to saying that it is sufficient with male violence, they stress the need to respond to any aggression.
Manex Usarralde Garmendia 2024ko ekainaren 05

The rapists locked the woman in a room and also raped her by threatening her with a gun. The woman managed to escape while the three men slept. The victim immediately sued and the three men were arrested in Dax (Landa).

Céline Bucau, the Deputy Governor of Dax, has been very attentive to the issue, “they are listening again to the alleged victim and it is still too early to confirm something, the details of the event are not clear. In the following days we should see it clearer, it has only just begun the investigation,” adds Bucau.

According to France Bleu, this is not the first time that the contact application is used to make similar attacks. In Dax, for example, the broadcaster has announced that it is the fifth time it has taken place in a few months.