Last week the book Female Improvisational Poets and two Iñaki Arrieta ' a hernias de suspense was presented in Donostia and Maialen Lujanbio, both members of the classroom, at the Ikastola Urumea and at the Hernani Institute.
The University of Nevada has published in English the research book on bertsolaris emakume. Xabier Irujo and Iñaki Arrieta contain texts from various bertsolaris and his torialaris. It contains contributions from the various actors, as well as from several researchers, in favour of bertsolaris ema-kume. Lujanbio has his section in the book. Iñaki Arrieta is the director of the Basque Vocational Training Centre in Uniberts del Reno.
Available on the Center for Basque Studies website and on Amazon
Female Improvisational Poets. The full title of the book is Challenges and Achievements in the Twentieth Century, which can be found on the website of the Center for Basque Studies or on Amazon, with distribution to America, the United Kingdom and Europe as a whole.
This pioneering and enriching publication has its importance, as well as being the first such work, by the study, testing and contributions of a dozen bertsolaris and historians (women). These include Maialen Lujanbio, Artetxe de Mi, Oihana Igua, Jone Miren Hernández, Carolina Dufurrena or Joseba Zulaika.
Source, congress held in Elco last year
The book is inspired by a 'nice and very special' congress held in Elco in the United States of America. It was from the realm of bertsolarism, but in an annual “very active” session of the country’s country poetry, according to historian and coordinator Xabier Irujo. After these days, “thousands of cowboys” met and the play was swollen with “a session of bertsolaris of 900 spectators”.
There were Hernaniarras Maialen Lujanbio and Iñaki Arrieta. It was a surprise for Lujanbio to find her with Arrieta, but the conclusion that has been reached is certainly good.
Problems in the development of equality and rights
In addition to the context, the importance of the topic to be addressed should be highlighted: “The relationship of the world of autonomy in relation to equality of women and the development of rights,” explains Irujo. In fact, from different perspectives, the Institute's intervention in the first line and in the first line of Basque action, in particular, of the 'problems encountered', so that full equality can be achieved.
The authors are merely statements, since they have been written in the first person in an academic way because of their character as protensioners of the process itself. The authors of the work are the same as those of Maialen Lujanbio, Miren Artetxe and Oihana Iguaran. The last two are writing doctoral theses.
Lujanbio himself has written a section of the book entitled As the Tree Grows, the Bark Cracks. In it, and from his point of view, he has analyzed the last 40 years of bertsolarism around two activities: bertso-eskola and the introduction of boys and girls in the bertso plaza.
Seven sections address the struggle and challenges of the rights of Bertsolaris women, while two others are dedicated to country poetry. "In a way, we wanted the expression given to us by the Euskal culture to be linked to the expressions of it," explains Arrieta.