One woman reported harassment and another 30 reported the same man
  • Hendaiarra Irati Rusiñol has denounced in social networks the aggression against a man by her sentimental partner. He has also filed a complaint with the police station. After making the complaint public, another 30 women have been reported to have been assaulted by the same man, who has suffered several bruises. Rusiñol has said that he has made a public complaint that it should not be made to anyone else.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko abenduaren 06a
Itaiak abenduaren 4an egin zuen elkarretaratzea Hendaian, Irati Rusiñolen kasuaren harira. Argazkia A25eko manifestaziokoa da. Itaia

Rusiñol has reported what happened in the Basque Country and in the Berria newspaper, where he was arrested on Wednesday. The persecution began on 15 November in the village of Hendaia (Gipuzkoa). He met the man in a supermarket when he handed him a letter saying he was a reflector. They had a good time, until he told him he was leaving. Then he invited her home and gave her hugs and asked her not to leave. He even tried to kiss her. To get out of the way, Rusiñole gave her the opportunity to accompany her to her home and say goodbye. It seemed to him that the man “had no affection.” He gave him the phone number.

That same night she started calling her and talking about her sexual intercourse. In the coming days he was persecuted by phone, WhatsApp, email, Facebook and Instagram. More than once he asked him to stop, but he continued. "You're a prostitute! he said in one of them.

Rusiñol filed a complaint at the police station. He also reported the facts through his personal account on the social network Facebook. The man received images of his name, his age, his place of residence and the messages he exchanged. He has then received messages from 30 women who claim that they have been assaulted by the same man on several occasions. In statements to Euskadi Irratia, Rusiñol has pointed out that some women have suffered milder and other worse aggressions, and that one of them mentioned that it was that man who raped her. None of the 30 women have filed complaints. Rusiñol has encouraged them to file a complaint, but he has assured that "the step has not been taken by anyone". He says he has given Berria “a little bit of anger,” but he understands his attitude.

He says that he supported the public complaint, which he did well. He adds that his intention was, through the denunciation, that man should not accept her anymore and that he should not do the same to anyone.