A meeting of rural women will take place in October in Murgia
Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2018ko irailaren 04a

The collective Mujeres de la Hacienda organizes meetings with the harvest of Women farmers. On 25 and 26 October, women farmers from the Basque Country will hold a knowledge exchange at the Goikueta shelter in MurguĂ­a. Together they will carry out different activities: theoretical and practical workshops, interviews, artistic expressions... Their goal is to get to know each other, learn and have fun.

The Women of the Farm project

The weekend will be used to publicize the Women of the Farm project and launch discussions. They will also receive the visit of representatives of Via Campesina, who will explain the situation in the world and the reality in different places

Registration for September 20th

Those interested in participating must register at this address before September 20th. Women farmers will have priority.