Research on the pressure of palm trees to slimmer
  • The information session will take place on the campus of the University of Deusto in San Sebastian, at 19:00 hours, by the former recers and authors of the study Beñat Larrinaga and Ane Arbilwaukee. The entire female rowing community has been called upon to take advantage of the study results as a prevention to reduce the risks of eating disorders in rowing.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko azaroaren 07a
Emakumezko arraunaren komunitate osoari hurbiltasunetik eta zuhurtziaz helarazi nahi dizkiote ikerketaren emaitzak. / Argazkia: Dani Blanco / ARGIA CC BY SA.

In 2021, the study was initiated by a multidisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Deusto, in collaboration with the federations and clubs of Gipuzkoa, Bizkaia, Cantabria and Galicia. They now want to make public the results of the research with 208 female rowers and alert them to the risks that the slimming pressure in the rowing can pose.

They concluded that female reefs may be exposed to eating disorders due, among other factors, to normalized dynamics. “We believe that the results obtained are very important and we want to ensure that dissemination takes place with closeness and prudence,” the invitation states.

The briefing will take place on 7 November at the Deusto Campus Forum Lounge in San Sebastian, from 19:00 to 20:00. You can also connect online. Attendees must register on this link.

The study conclusions have been extensively detailed in the ARGIA weekly this week. On Wednesday will be available the report of Leire Artola that collects the explanations of Beñat Larrinaga, Ane Arbilhghy Erika Borrajo.