Registration to participate in Emakume Abertzaleon VIII.Topaketa Feminists
  • Due to the situation generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, live or streaming event conferences and workshops can be followed. The registration period shall be extended until 22 November.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko azaroaren 03a
Izen ematea jada zabalik da Bilgune Feministak antolatutako jardunaldietarako

The registration deadline for Women Abertzales VIII.Topaketa feminists is now open and will be held on December 12 at Errenteria. This year, the meetings will be held under the motto "Araka Asakterrak, when the brumas are hiding from us". Although the previous program is maintained, except for food, the organizers cannot ensure the in-person format, so they also raise the possibility of streaming when registering.

Here's the program of the day:

09:30-10:30: Registration and receipt

10:30-12:30: Central Round Table "Investigating the points of encounter between languages, races and national repression"

13:00-14:30: Participatory dynamics to deepen the debate in the working groups

From 17:00 hours: We will have the opportunity to participate in different workshops, debates and talks: defense of the territory, reflections on the Basque, reflections on our past, practices to strip away our racism, internationalism, bodies and desires, transnational...

19:30: Finally, we will do the central act in the town square

Preferably in face-to-face format

Bilgune Feminist has pointed out that they will prioritize in-person days to the extent that the pandemic allows it, and that they will ensure the necessary protective measures: "We will take care of health measures, safety distances and barriers," he added. If the situation does not allow, they have specified that they will only have to make live streaming matches. The same bonus will be paid both in person and in streaming.

Upon registration, the donor will receive a QR code, which will be the entry on 12 December, which will have to be printed or digital.