Elon Musk seeks Trump’s votes in key states of the United States
  • The American Pac Political Initiative Committee is led by Elon Musk, one of the richest men in the world, according to The Guardian. His mission is to get votes for Donald Trump in several key states of the United States.
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Organized committees, called political action initiatives, promote candidate campaigns in the U.S. presidential elections. The America Pac, which drives Musk, has a staff of between 300 and 400 people in each of the seven states in competition, and one of its goals is to visit three houses of potential voters in the November elections.

In theory, Trump’s campaign is based on Trump’s 47 captains initiative. It's a group of 27,000 volunteers who target Trump's potential voters and collect data from ten neighbors to get them involved in Trump as well. If they do, on the next occasion they receive a list of 24 people and on the next list of 45. They have prizes for each category that they outnumber.

According to the people consulted by The Guardian, the campaign is intensified with the reinforcement of Elon Musk América Pac. The Captains’ campaign is successful, but that is mainly based on the collection of votes in rural areas, and America Pac believes that for success we need to work in larger countries and cities.

America Pac started working hard a month ago and it is believed that if Trump wins, it can to some extent be thanks to Musk. It is known that political ambition in Muskiz has increased in recent months and, among other things, if he is elected president, recently, he proposed to Trump to participate in his cabinet.