Municipality of El Maiztal of Venezuela
Internationalist charity seed collection campaign
Garazi Zabaleta 2019ko ekainaren 12a

With the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela, when the lands began to move from the hands of the large landowners to those of the citizens, new sociopolitical and productive areas were set in motion throughout the country: services. In 2009, the progressive bathing process started, which in 2015 stood at around 1,500 and has now reached 3,000. “It is true that not everyone works the same, and especially the common Maizal is the one that has a great reference and strength in Venezuela,” said Saul Curto, a member of the research group Latin America Part Hartuz.

Facing the difficulties in obtaining seed

On the 10th anniversary of El Maizal Komunista, the internationalist entrepreneur says that farmers in the area have many difficulties obtaining seeds: “For between 5 and 6 years they have been suffering the imperialist attacks of El Maizal, such as the economic war, and in the face of the difficulties they have in obtaining seeds as a common farmer we have decided to launch a campaign of internationalist solidarity between different agents.”

What is the campaign about? In Euskal Herria the seeds will be collected for later transfer to the farmers of El Maizal. There will also be a collection of funds for the purchase and dispatch of seeds, as well as for the purchase of seeds there. “In Venezuela there are two planting periods: one is in August and September, so the seeds obtained from the current campaign will be carried in July by the internationalist brigade that will be moved from Euskal Herria for later planting by the country’s peasants.”

Collaboration between nine actors

Several agents have launched a campaign to support the collective El Maiztal in the Basque Country: This wide network includes Askapena and Komite Internazionalistak, the research group Latin America Part Hartuz, the Euskal Herria Seed Network, EHNE, Etxalde, Bizilur, Peace with Dignity, Emakumeen Mundu Martxa and Argia. “The common spaces are the ones that have a citizen organization, and the intention of the campaign is to give our support to these models,” explains Curto.

The promoters also want to take advantage of this seed collection campaign to spread the communal project of the Bolivarian revolution and the Bolivarian revolution in general. To this end, several conferences will be held throughout the Basque Country over the next few months.

For those wishing to join the seed campaign, a current account has been opened: 3035 0028 16 0280101602 El Maiztal Campaign.