The popular initiative “5ak Gasteiztarrak, elkartasun blai!” has presented the solidarity week programme. She has been working for months “to fondly clog Ane, Nagore, Gorka, Egoitz and Izaskun; to submerge the macro-judgments forever; to refresh and strengthen the struggle for the solution and for the rights of prisoners and exiles.” This week he wants to create a "wave of solidarity" that will culminate in the "giant wave" of Saturday's mobilisation.
Cinema, cultural and children's performances
On Wednesday, a movie session was held in Florida theaters in downtown Florida. Asier and Biok will offer the film, and the co-directors of the film Amaia Merino and Asier Aranguren, one of the protagonists of the film and imputed in the 11/13 macrojudgment, will participate in the debate.
On Thursday, the “Kultura, Elkartasun blai!” initiative will simultaneously bring together five squares from Vitoria-Gasteiz between 19:00 and 22:00 to offer shows of all kinds: concerts, readings, dance, plastic arts, acrobatics or theatre performances. The festival will feature, among others, the writers Iban Zaldua and Garazi Arrula, the musicians of Piztupunk and MICE, or the plastic artist Irantzu Lekue.
On Friday the organizers have prepared a children’s programme with the slogan “No more children with backpack!”. Among the five defendants in Vitoria-Gasteiz, there are four minors, according to the Basque Department of Security. Ane Gebara will be in charge of giving the starting signal to the program, in which the Txiki-Zirkuak and Basakatu music groups, made up of children, will also act, and the Porrotx clown will participate.
On 7 September, a giant wave of solidarity
The central appeal of the week is the mobilization of Saturday in Plaza Nueva. They have also appealed from the peoples of Álava to attend the mobilisation of Vitoria-Gasteiz. The event will take place in the Plaza de la Virgen Blanca, from 19:00. The organizers have given a challenging tone to the call: “We need 2,800 liters of water to create a giant wave of solidarity. Stay away!” The organizers have invited citizens to appear in blue dresses and accompanied by a contribution of water.
Throughout the Basque Country
The Vitoria-Gasteiz initiative is not the only one. The trial of macro-sumar 11/13 will begin on 16 September, on 14 a national demonstration has been convened in Bilbao, and the gestures of solidarity and denunciation have multiplied. By this week, the local groups set up in the processed villages have organized endless calls. By noon on Friday, the Basque trade union majority called for mobilizations in the four capitals of Hego Euskal Herria.