Concentrations in favour of a free Sahara
  • The Euskadi Sahara Movement organised demonstrations this weekend with the help of the Basque delegation of the Polisario Front in the Basque capitals and in about thirty localidades.El the Spanish Government has been accused of its "irresponsibility" in the face of the conflict in Western Sahara and denied any responsibility.  
Jone Markuleta @JMarkuleta 2020ko azaroaren 23a

The Euskadi Sahara Movement has organized mobilizations in the three capitals of the CAV and in several localities in favour of a free Sahara. Hundreds of people have participated in the mobilisations, which have made it clear that they want to hold a referendum on the road to the liberation of Western Sahara. At the moment, they have denounced Morocco ' s attitude, which has increased the repression of the population in the occupied territories of the Democratic Saharawi Arab Republic (RSD).

The cease-fire had been in force since 1991, but tension between the two countries has intensified in recent months. Morocco is bringing more and more population to Western Sahara to consolidate its invasion. The United Nations does not recognize that Western Sahara is from Morocco, but the Saharawi people, for 25 years, have been waiting for a referendum to exercise their right to decide.

In the demonstrations this weekend they asked the Spanish Government to resume the decolonization process and to push the referendum forward. The Protestants have denounced that France and the United States are helping Morocco and have denounced that Morocco.