Concentration in solidarity with two people judged to occupy the house of Kinpulen
  • The Getxo Palace of Justice has welcomed the trial of two people accused of "usurpation" for occupying a house on Kinpulene Street in Gorliz, with whom about twenty have concentrated outside the building. "To deal with the housing problem, the occupation is legitimate," they said from the platform. They may be fined.
Hiruka .eus 2019ko uztailaren 17a
Epaituen alde egindako mobilizazioa. Argazkia: UNAI BREA

The case has been seen for judgment, following the sitting held this morning in Court No. 6 of Getxo (Bizkaia). Both the defendants and those who came to help them have stated that "in this region there is a housing problem, it is difficult to emancipate, it is impossible to buy and it is very difficult to pay the rent".

In view of this, they have legitimately assumed the occupation and have recalled that the house occupied on Kinpulene Street in Gorliz had been empty for twenty years, "since it was built for speculation". The family that owns the house does not identify with this point of view, but does not want to make statements.

Today's defendants are both accusers of minor injuries and blows when they were expelled from Gorliz's house last June so they were also arrested. Before entering the court they have pointed out that both causes may be grouped together, but according to some sources, this is not going to happen because different types of crime are different.