Concentration in Hazparne in favour of former prisoner Peio Irigoien and against Fixait files
  • Dozens of people have concentrated on Hazparne this Saturday morning to show their support for Peio Irigoien, who has refused to comply with the conditions imposed by the judicial files of Fixait. The prosecutor has claimed EUR 1,000 against him for the non-payment of the bond imposed. The motto of the concentration has been the input of Fixait, which has concentrated in Bilbao.
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Elgarretaratzea Hazparnen Fijait fitxategien aurka.

The former prisoner of Beskoiza Peio Irigoien has refused to comply with the obligations imposed by the Fixait files, questioning their political legitimacy to the files. This article by Gara recalls that, after ignoring the calls to which he was addressed, he eventually stopped at a roadside check and was arrested.

The French State created the Fixait file in 2015, following the attacks in Paris in January of that year. "Since then, all those who have been convicted of terrorism have been retroactively incorporated at the age of ten," they denounced in a statement sent to ARGIA. The presence of the name of a person in the file implies a strict obligation for that person: to justify every three months the need for his or her domicile at the police station or within fifteen days, among others, to manifest his or her intention to travel abroad.

Irigoien has been tried for not accepting these conditions before the Court of Appeal in Pau, which will issue its decision on 12 March. "We consider that being part of Fixait's file is a second unacceptable condemnation, because it obliges us to comply with harsh conditions that undermine their care. After serving the sentence, without further trials and because they are obligations that have been retroactively added, we strongly denounce this other restriction of freedom," they denounced.

Irigoien expressed himself in the French and Basque courts and assured that his conviction ended when he left prison. When the prosecutor asked whether, as a punishment, he would consent to the relevant work, he replied that no.

They have supported Peio and all the people who show the input "in the face of this unsustainable situation".

The measure affects more than 150 prisoners and express

Despite the fact that the Fixait files served to combat Islamic terrorism in themselves, many Basque and Corsican political prisoners have been trapped in the place. Many former prisoners do not know that he is on the list, as recently reported by lawyer Paulus-Basurco. The registration of files lasts 20 years.