Tubacex Taylor’s Employees Hold Numerous Rallies
  • Last week they began a six-day strike in defense of employment and the labor agreement.
Txabi Alvarado Bañares 2018ko uztailaren 27a
Artziniegako udaletxearen aurrean bildu dira langileak. / Alberto Martinez Gutierrez-Barquin

The 19th and 20th of July were the first two days of the strike of the workers of Tubacex Taylor, during which they are expected to gather on Thursday, Friday and the 30th and 31st of the month jarraipena.Hainbat to denounce their situation.

On Thursday they meet in front of the Artziniega City Hall and from 1:00 to 15:00 they will be protesting in front of the offices of Laudio in Tubacex, as last week:

On Friday, July 27, the meeting will take place in front of the headquarters of the Basque Government in Bilbao (Gran Vía 85) from 11:30 to 12:30.

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