The Getxophoto festival, which will begin in September, will be based on the concept of sharing
  • The Getxophoto International Image Festival has presented its fifteenth edition. As announced by those responsible for the initiative, which will be held between 2 and 26 September, this year also renowned international artists will show their works in the streets of the municipality.
Hiruka .eus 2021eko uztailaren 14a
Getxophotok aukeratutako irudietako bat (Argazkia: GETXOPHOTO-Sebastian Schmieg)

Getxophoto is driven by the collective Begihandi, who understands the image as a means to address, live and face the big issues that affect us men and women. Thus, according to those responsible, the festival is a platform or starting point to generate critical thinking and open a dialogue with society.

One more year, like last year, Jon Uriarte, digital curator of The Photographers’ Gallery in London, will be the artistic director of the Getxo festival. And on this occasion, under the motto Elkarshare-Alike, the festival will analyze the new meanings they have today about the idea of sharing, such as access to information, migratory flows and, above all, the planetary context in which economic inequalities are increasing.

In today’s hearing, the director of the festival, Jokin Aspuru, explained that Ereaga, Portu Zaharra and Algorta will be the center of Getxophoto, although on this occasion it will be extended to other neighborhoods such as Itzubaltzeta/Romora.

He has also announced that the festival will organize a meeting between students from photo centres, who will reach over 40 students at different points in the Spanish state.