Elkano series with screenplay of historians of the Spanish Army
  • Elkano and Magellan will start recording at the end of the year a series of fiction about their global tour, as reported by the EFE agency in a statement. It will be called "primus", consisting of six sections. Producers are in contact with TVE to support the project.
Axier Lopez @axierL 2019ko otsailaren 15
Juan Sebastian Elkano irudikatzeko erabiltzen den erretratuetako bat. Hau bezala, denak asmatutakoak dira.

Although still under negotiation, they have announced that the project will be launched by the end of 2019. The writer and production director of the series, Colombian Sergio Cabrera, expects a budget of almost 12 million euros. Cabrera has explained that they have worked with historians of the Spanish Army to prepare the script that will define the message they will give about Elcano and Magellan, and that it will be available by the end of the year.

The Spanish Army and the Ministry of Culture are the main promoters of the events of the 5th Centenary of the Return to the World of Elkano in the Spanish State. Elcano and the rest of the mercenaries who turned around the world are working to "make known that this is the greatest feat the Spanish Army has ever done."

“Hero of the Spanish Army” along the way of the pasaitarra Blas de Lezo

Sergio Cabrera worked on a project on the life of another Basque at the service of the Spanish Empire: A series on the pasaitarra Blas de Lezo. Today this project is paralyzed and precisely its absence has been pointed out recently by the spokesman for the ultra-right right-wing party VOX, Santiago Abascal. "In one way or another, the Spaniards" publicly claimed the performance of a film about Admiral Blas de Lezo. -I would bring Mel Gibson, if there is no one here dispuesto.El director of the frustrated series said that the project "is a story about Spain, about a Spanish gentleman, like Viriato or King Fernando the Catholic. What problems are there? ".