The Basque Government wants 6 September 2022 to be declared "Elkano Eguna" and to be a holiday
  • The Government of Urkullu wants to declare a holiday by 2022 on the day that the Getariarra Joan Sebastián Elkano arrived in Andalusia and ended the tour around the world, and he called it "Elkano Eguna".
ARGIA @argia 2021eko otsailaren 17a

The Department of Employment and Employment of the Basque Government has announced that it wishes to declare a holiday on 6 September 2022 in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. That day will mark 500 years from the arrival in the world of Sanlucar de Barrameda of the getariarra Joan Sebastian Elkano, who was the one who completed the road.

Vice-Councillor Elena Pérez Barredo pointed out that the proposal was formulated by the PSOE in the previous legislature and that this year has been reinstated.

Elcano is a character that provokes controversy and debate, both in Euskal Herria and abroad, in countries such as the Philippines or Patagonia. According to the official message, the first round of the world is a feat of which they are proud, and on the part of the critics, the sailor of Getaria contributed to widening the frontiers of imperialism in expeditions at the service of the Spanish Empire, placing more territories, goods and people under the command of the emperor.

In the Elkano Mundu bira channel of ARGIA you can find many articles and reports on the subject.