The Government of Navarra wants to investigate the origin of the 3,000 goods not registered by the Church
  • Once the property is identified, the claim and recovery process will begin this year, creating an office of care and protection to the municipalities.
Izaro Villarreal Lauroba 2024ko urtarrilaren 12a

The Councillor for Rural Development and the Environment, José María Aierdi, and the Councillor for the Interior, Civil Service and Justice, Amparo López, undertake to resume the work of identifying the communal assets unregistered by the Catholic Church of Navarra in 2024. In the last legislature, an inventory of unregistered goods was made and a list of 2,952 properties was presented between hermites, houses, buildings, vegetable gardens, premises and others.

Aierdi has pointed out that the process will start “immediately after the adoption of the budget”, but in the preliminary draft budget of 2024, EH Bildu has proposed a specific amendment to be able to formalise external technical assistance to advance research. López, for his part, stressed that last year a “tender” was launched to carry out this investigation and confirmed that the administrative competence in the defense and recovery of communal assets was with the local authorities.

Arantxa Izurdiaga, from EH Bildu, pointed out that these are cases that can result in complex and lengthy judicial proceedings, and that municipalities do not have “sufficient capacity to advance”. He stresses the need to lead the project by the Government of Navarra and calls for the creation of an office to provide a technical, legal and historical service to the municipalities and, therefore, to collaborate in these recovery processes. Izurdiaga considers that this should be the responsibility of the Justice Department and not of Rural Development.