Navarre will have a law to recognize victims of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church
  • This is the first law of the Spanish State to recognize victims of sexual abuse committed within the Catholic Church. As stated in the draft, a committee will be set up to assess the victims’ demands and to issue an annual report on the cases of pederastia detected.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko apirilaren 25a
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The objectives of the law are the recognition of victims of sexual abuse, the clarification of crimes and the promotion of a "collective, democratic and critical memory". The future pioneering law in the Spanish state foresees that many victims will be treated for the first time as injured, since the majority of pretsones who have published their case in recent years have not been legally recognized as such for prescribing it. The law will cover the events that occurred in the Foral Community of Navarra.

All parliamentary groups are working on the draft bill and it is expected that it will be adopted before the summer, according to the House. All groups supported the law, except for Navarre Suma, but did not speak against it, as explained by the newspaper El País, at the foot of the words of a representative of the Department of Immigration Policy and Justice.

Those wishing to seek recognition should contact the Office for the Care of Victims of Crime, which addresses, inter alia, sexual offences. Cases of paedophilia will be channelled by legal, social and psychological experts, who will speak confidentially with those affected. In addition to face-to-face care, two other routes have been opened: Phone 848423376 and email