ELB President and a Barkoxe farmer will be tried for not letting healthy ducks die
  • ELB President Panpi Sainte-Marie, head of the Ühartia de Barkoxe estate, Cathy Xabalgoiti Pau, will be tried on 5 November for closing the way for DDPP officials who were to die on the issue of avian flu. All analyses carried out on these ducks by prefect's order showed that the ducks were healthy, but Pau's procurator was unsuccessful until they came to court.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko urriaren 22a
Epaiketaren berri emateko prentsaurrekoan, ezkerretik hasita Anne-Marie Mendiburu abokatua, Panpi Sainte-Marie, Cathy Xabalgoiti eta Alain Larrea abokatua. (Argazkia: ELB)

The facts are spring 2017, as among the measures to prevent the spread of avian influenza the prefect ordered the killing of the three Gabadi, Domintxine and Barkoxe booths. The baserritars of these small duck incubators had already worked hard to ensure that the bird flu was not introduced into their farms – it differed in the ducks of a harder breed of the place, fed the ducks from birth to death on the farm itself with local products…– Many northern peasants came together to offer support, led by the ELB trade union. They have always argued that killing ducks is not a solution, that the breeding system must be changed and that they have shown the way, but the authorities did not change the mass murder plans.

Faced with the resistance of the trade unionists and those responsible for these three villages, the French administration sent them gendarmes along with the officials who were to execute the order to end all the ducks. But the peasants and neighbors gathered at the site sent to the police a.Ahora, the ELB recalls that "after the actions against the death of the huts, the three farms were handed over to the prefect's custody and were subjected to analysis by three ballets. Regular analyses were negative in the coming weeks, speeding up the OECD position. But those responsible for the health administration did not stay there and were handed over to the Baiona and Pau attorneys". At the moment there is no more news about the causes of Gabadi and Domintxin (both of the Lower Navarre), but the prosecutor of Pau, who has Zuberoa in his area, has continued until the trial.

The ELB has advanced at a press conference that they will take advantage of the trial to "ratify" the arguments advanced in the spring of 2017 and proven over time, "among them, that the ducks were not sick (to prove that the breeders had already done analysis) and that in this case the health risk could be sufficiently controlled". And he called on the farmers in Iparralde, the electorate and the general public to mobilise in Pau on 5 November.

Among the witnesses are the mayors of Maule, Mixel Etxebest, and the vice-president of the Commonwealth, Laurent Pinatel, spokesman for the trade union Confederation Paysanne, and Periko Legasse, a well-known journalist specializing in food and agriculture.