Elantxobe and Bilbao report LGTB attacks fobos
  • The Bermeo City Council rejected the aggression of Elantxobe on Saturday and that of Anitzak Bilbao LGTBIQ+ on Tuesday in Bilbao.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko uztailaren 26a
Bermeoko udaletxearen fatxada. Argazkia: Bermeoko Udala.

Last Saturday, during the festivities of the Magdalena de Elantxobe, a young man denounces a homophobic attack. The Bermeo City Council rejected what happened from its social networks, showing its support for the victim and saying that it will not accept further aggression.

In the Bilbaíno district of San Ignacio on Tuesday, Anitzak Bilbao has denounced the transfobe attack. The victim has denounced that the aggressor began to say “she, it or whatever you are” and “directly became a transfobe without me saying anything,” he says. The association has stated from social media that it will always reject attacks.