ELA and LAB call on the Basque and Navarre governments to put the "life and health" of workers at risk
  • The trade unions believe that with the "warning notices" published on 31 March, the Basque Government and the Government of Navarra put at risk the spread of workers providing non-essential services. In particular, they have demanded that the effectiveness of the communiqué be suspended within 24 hours, "as a precautionary measure".
ARGIA @argia 2020ko apirilaren 06a
(Argazkia: ELA)

ELA and LAB today reported to the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country and the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra (TSJPV) the "explanatory note" published on 31 March in the Navarra Hearing. In the note, an interpretation was made of the Spanish Government's Royal Decree to put the economy in a position of "hibernation" and thereby called for the continuation of some non-essential industrial activities.

According to the unions, thus, workers who are forced to go to the workplace "have put their health and life at risk": "Both governments have made the concept of basic service even more flexible, violating the Royal Decree," they said in a statement. They consider that they have put the worker at risk of contagion in their workplace, and that not only that, but that these people can actually infect other workers, putting "upside down" the general principles of the state of alarm.

They have asked the courts to cancel the validity of the notes of light within 24 hours and to recognize that "the health, life and right to physical integrity of workers have been violated".



(Photo: LAB)



The Spanish Royal Decree on the Suspension of Non-Essential Activities provoked a great controversy between the executives of Sánchez and Urkullu, which required the continuation of the production. Companies used an "interpretation" of the last moment by the Spanish Government to claim companies to continue their business. According to the unions, the only real decree official law is the one established by the Royal Decree Law and requires that the health of workers be prioritized.