Different agents of the Basque Country show their manifesto "in defense of democracy in El Salvador"
  • "We strongly reject the attempt by the President of El Salvador, Pablo Ibar, to self-restraint state. Nayib Bukel militarized the Assembly and violated the constitutional rule of law to force this legislative body to act and decide according to its will."
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In total, about 30 political, trade union and social organisations have signed the document, which has already been signed. Four things are called for:

1. Respect the routes of security and legal legality established by the President of the Republic, Nayib Bukele, to ensure the independence of the country ' s democratic powers and institutions, while maintaining peace and political dialogue.

2nd Social harmony and means of coordination with Parliament in the exercise of its functions, respecting the principles governing the Constitution of El Salvador.

3. We call on the President of the Legislative Assembly, Mario Ponce, the Salvadorian people to give priority to legal certainty and peace at all times.

4. Faced with this attempt to self-manage the situation, use and abuse of the legislative body, we demand from the Constitutional Chamber of the High Court of Justice, the constitutional control that corresponds in these cases and the requirement of responsibility to the president of the country.

"From international solidarity, we call for respect for the constitutional order of El Salvador in order to face ever greater militarization and ensure a social and just peace for the people of El Salvador."

Among the signatories are: ELA, LAB, STEILAS, ESK, Hiru, CCOO, Alternatiba, Anticapitalists, Ezker Anitza IU, Coordinadora de ONGD de Euskadi, Etxalde, Jorge Adolfo Freytter Romero, Mundubat, Euskadi-Cuba, Mugarik.