The general recommendations that will be very useful for personal and collective care are transparency, respect for rhythms and flexibility.
As far as transparency is concerned, he has recommended that information be made available to all and that decisions be taken jointly and in an assembly. Other measures related to rhythms are: respecting rhythms, taking into account everybody's times, offering spaces for doubts...
Flexibility can be one of the most effective values for this crisis situation: "Remember that situations can be changing, so we will have to constantly review the decisions made (both individual and collective). Let's be flexible," he says.
On an individual level, "How am I?" poses the question in three areas: body, mind and emotions. It advises moving the body, expressing these "good" and "bad" emotions without differentiating them and taking intervals to do something you like or do nothing.
He proposes to answer the question of "how we are" among those who live together, to set schedules, to make assemblies to talk about themes and decide among all and to share the house work among all: "It's time for surveillance to become something spectacular," he added.
Olatukoop stressed the importance of knowing how each partner is in cooperatives and in "community enterprises": "If people don't find themselves right it can be very difficult and at high pressure follow a productive march," he added. To do so, "it is essential to ensure that all the people who make up the cooperative enterprise have a safe space to make known their situation and their emotions: without judgments, from the closeness and warmth. From solidarity and trust, let us respect each other's rhythms and needs."
From the custody of the closest, he has called for participation in the monitoring network being organized in the neighborhoods.
Here you can read Olatukoop's decalogue of care in full.