Ekologistak Martxan: "The Basque Government of Zaldibar detected irregularities in 2019, what action has it taken?"
  • Ekologistak Martxan denounces the lack of control by the Basque administrations over landfill sites due to the accident at the Zaldibar landfill. The ecologist group has warned that in the Zaldibar landfill the Basque Government detected irregularities in a 2019 inspection, "but the consequences or the measures it had are not known."
ARGIA @argia 2020ko otsailaren 07a
Ertzainak lubizia pasata gero Zaldibarko zabortegiaren sarreran. (Argazkia: El Diario)

Ekologistak Martxan, regretting the situation of two workers, has denounced that the accident is not new in Bizkaia: he pointed out that another one in Zalla has been burned on several occasions, the last one recently, and the measure taken by the administration in this regard has not been known. The Basque Government authorised the accumulation of non-hazardous waste, including asbestos, in 2016, but the landfill did not have an action protocol for the rescue brigades, according to sources from the environmental association.

In addition, Ekologistak Martxan has also provided information: That in 2019 the Basque Government detected irregularities in the inspection carried out at the Eitzaga landfill: - Did you open a file? Has there been any sanction? What measures have been taken? he asked.

Ekologistak Martxan points out that, even without knowing all the details of the accident, he was exposed: "The Basque administrations do not have the necessary control of landfills or the substances that leave them, nor the monitoring of the places they need after the permits have been granted. For all these reasons, Ekologistak Martxan will monitor this issue in order to demand accountability."