Teaching material to work with children on production costs and value of food
  • The Gipuzkoan association Biolur presented last year the report of the Duina research project. A diagnosis was made of the different experiences of ecological horticulture in the economic, environmental, living conditions, care, etc. The study collected economic data and time, comparing the production costs of organic food with prices. However, to make the research public, we are working in several ways: in March, for example, a kitchen program of Dignified Production Popular Consumption was developed. An interesting proposal to work with children is the Sukalde Kontari teaching material for the school community.
Garazi Zabaleta 2023ko urriaren 09a

Twelve crops were worked on the Duina project, analyzing its cost of production and the prices that would be dignified. The drop-down material was made from these crops, accompanied by colorful illustrations by Irrimarra. “We will find exercises to calculate the value of the preparation of each ingredient and dish, helping to develop a more dignified diet and life,” they say on the web about the material. Maider Zubikarai Beristain of the Biolur association explained that it is mainly aimed at boys and girls between 7 and 12 years of age, from primary, secondary and third.

“In addition to mathematical exercises, crops are contemporary and each one comes up with a recipe. Therefore, the material gives a lot of play to work mathematics, environment, food…”, said Zubikarai. In fact, in the group they perceive that little importance is given to working the value of food with children in general. “There is disconnection about it. It is important to talk to children about the value and cost of food, to give priority to the issue,” adds Mirene Begiristain Zubilwaukee, a fellow member of the group. Moreover, in view of the fact that over the past 30 years household expenditure has halved food.

First test at the San Martin de Bergara school

The presentation of the material took place at the San Martin de Bergara school last December, in collaboration with the Ereindajan project and the association of parents of the town. “The material was very well received, as the involvement in the dynamization was very high,” the drivers point out. In collaboration with local partnerships, the aim is to expand the material to more towns and schools. “The material is of interest not only to schools, but also to associations of parents, families and educational agents, and we would like it to spread.”

The material can be purchased for 7 euros, 5 euros for the members of Biolur, by contacting the association. The interested party will find all the information in